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Get a 360° vision
of your customer journeys

Gain in-depth customer insights with Feedier’s Voice of Customer data reporting. Our advanced platform lets you track, analyze, and share feedback results in real-time to improve your business.


Trusted by mid to large enterprises and public institutions alike.

per day saved by automating manual reporting
reduction in dissatisfaction with real-time reports

Access custom reports with Feedier’s VoC data reporting


Instant and Customizable Reports

Create a pre-filled report to sum up all your feedback instantly, or start from scratch with a blank report using your relevant data and Feedier’s graphs. This flexibility ensures you can quickly generate comprehensive overviews or detailed analyses tailored to your needs.

Enhanced Data Analysis with Filters

Apply filters to your search to better spot pain points and improve data analysis. This targeted approach allows you to hone in on specific issues and trends, making your feedback more actionable and insightful.

Real-Time, Accessible Reports

Download live reports in PDF or view them directly on the platform, with saved reports updated in real-time. This ensures you always have the most current information at your fingertips, enabling timely and informed decision-making.

Secure and Shareable Insights

Share your report securely using a public link or embed it directly into your internal platform. Gain valuable insights into your customer feedback and drive meaningful improvements to your business by making your findings easily accessible to your team.

Compare your data
with the benchmarking report


Get a clear view of your overall customer satisfaction with Feedier’s Voice of Customer Benchmarking report. Benchmark your NPS, CSAT, or any specific KPI to instantly generate an intuitive report.


Compare multiple datasets and visualize them in graphs for an in-depth understanding of feedback.


Monitor the development of two data sets over time directly from the Feedier Benchmarking module.

Comprehensive Geographical Feedback

Get a global view of your feedback based on locations with the Geographical report. Use locational context attributes to record feedback on the exact location of your participants, providing you with precise insights into regional performance and customer experiences.

Campaign Performance Tracking

Monitor and report on all your push campaigns (SMS and Email) and track key KPIs like open rate, click rate, and response rate. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your outreach efforts and optimize future campaigns for better engagement and results.

Detailed Correlation Analysis

Compare satisfaction and volume across multiple factors such as locations, departments, cohorts, and goods with the Correlation report. This feature helps you identify patterns and correlations, offering a deeper understanding of the factors influencing customer satisfaction.

Departmental Feedback Ownership

Maintain ownership of feedback by department and user, and track the progress made by each assigned user. This ensures accountability and transparency, allowing you to monitor how effectively feedback is being addressed and improvements are being implemented.


Data-Driven Business Improvement

Gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions to improve your business with Feedier’s Voice of Customer feedback reporting. Leverage detailed reports and analytics to understand customer needs better and drive meaningful improvements in your operations and strategies.

Get full access to your Voice of Customer feedback

voice of customer data

Enterprise ready.

At Feedier, we create value-added partnerships with our clients that align data trust, industry expertise and positive ROI.



Feedier is ISO 27001:2022 certified, as well as fully compliant with GDPR and CCPA.


Out-of-the-box and configurable integrations that work with your systems, at no extra cost.


Take advantage of dedicated customer success and technical support available from day one.

Make Customer Intelligence
your next Competitive Advantage