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About us

Helping companies
improve faster

We believe that non-tech businesses are the greatest platform to change the world (positively).
However, there is no transformation without excellent listening and fast improvement cycles.
That's where Feedier comes in.

Our angle

Helping organizations, whether public or private, transform rapidly is no easy task. However, we strongly believe in the power of technology and are deeply committed to establishing ourselves as a leader in Customer Intelligence to achieve this goal.

We build the Customer Intelligence layer with the following principles in mind: 

  • Customer Intelligence is not exclusive to large tech companies. It should also benefit more traditional businesses. At Feedier, we are committed to making advanced customer insights accessible (= cost-effective) and valuable for organizations of all types and sizes.
  • AI enables Customer Intelligence and is not going to replace CX teams. It’s going to greatly empower them to achieve more in the organization. Accelerating transformations across teams and business units at a scale never seen before.
  • Customer Intelligence is one of the greatest assets a company can possess. It’s strategic, confidential and directly tight to the bottom line.  Therefore, it must be secured with the utmost care and consideration, with respect to the laws and jurisdictions — not be outsourced to professional services.

Our history

Feedier was launched in 2020 by François Forest and is headquartered at Euratechnologies. From its inception, Feedier has maintained an international presence, quickly expanding its team across borders. In 2023, Feedier secured its first venture capital round with tier-1 investors based in the UK, marking a significant milestone in the company's growth and development.



Different nationalities

Feedier's team is a diverse group, comprising individuals from various backgrounds, nationalities, and countries. We take great pride in this diversity, as it enriches our perspectives and enhances our ability to innovate and serve our global clients.


Of the Feedier team in R&D

At Feedier, we are dedicated tech builders, investing heavily in our product to push the boundaries of Customer Intelligence. While we may not always get it right, we are committed to listening to our users and iterating rapidly to innovate and deliver exceptional value.


Intelligent Reports Created

We take great pride in ensuring that our product has a meaningful impact on our clients' operations. We focus on maximizing value output and put in the necessary work so that our users experience significant benefits from day one of using Feedier.

Our Culture code

Make Customer Intelligence
your next Competitive Advantage