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improve the quality and impact of training programs

Improve training programs’ quality and impact with actionable feedback insights

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While some of the following recommendations might be applicable for startups and digital native companies, this entry is most applicable for companies with more than 5,000 employees that have key transformation challenges. It is based on Feedier’s experience in helping large organizations (from logistic and financial industries) improve the quality and impact of training programs by analyzing more than 1,000,000 feedback data from learners, and having released several integrations with complex Learning Management Systems such as Cornerstone.

In fact, in the dynamic sectors of logistics, mobility, or finance, where operational excellence is pivotal, the quality and impact of training programs are fundamental to success. These industries face unique challenges, including rapidly evolving technologies, regulatory changes, and high customer expectations. Training programs must not only be comprehensive and up-to-date but also directly aligned with the operational needs and goals of the organization.

Let’s get started

The challenges for large organizations to maintain an efficient training system

What makes it hard for large organizations, and yet so important to have an efficient training system that not only achieves business results but aligns the learner’s satisfaction (customer experience) with the trainer’s interest.

However, it’s often not that easy:

  • Gaining clear insight into pain points becomes increasingly challenging as an organization manages multiple training sites. The larger the organization, the more extensive its network of training facilities. Moreover, as more individuals are affected by organizational changes, the importance of centralizing feedback grows, ensuring that transformative efforts are informed by comprehensive and actionable insights from across all training locations.
  • External trainers and outsourced training providers. A large part of the training forces is usually coming from outsourced trainers, where massive investments are made. While you may lose direct contact with the learning journey, it’s thus extremely crucial to be able to correlate investment and learner satisfaction.
  • Certifications and competitive advantage. To be able to attract other companies or subsidiaries of the group to invest in your training programs, certifications are very important to maintain. Most of the certifications (ISO, Qualiopi, etc.) require measuring and continuously improving courses’ quality.
  • Feedback data on all sessions and courses represent a massive amount of data where it’s terribly difficult to find actionable insights. When providing thousands of courses, e-learning, and sessions every year, creates a massive flow of evaluation and feedback, including scores that might be hard to compute (like the Net Promoter Score) or verbatim from learners and trainers.

Let’s dive into how we can leverage learner feedback to increase the impact of training programs at scale.

How to improve training program’s quality and impact?

The following only work for organizations with a digitalized learning management system or similar digitalized solutions.

#1. Listen better and get better feedback

In our projects, we have identified several recommendations for your team to improve the collection of feedback. By “better,” we mean with a higher frequency (not just once a year), more reliable (with sufficient responses and current data), and actionable (clear enough for your team to implement improvements). Here is our top 4 recommendations:

  • Automate Post-Course Feedback Evaluations: Implement an automated system to collect feedback immediately after the completion of each course or training session. This ensures timely and consistent gathering of insights from the learner. We recommend sending it within 48 hours but for physical sessions, it might take more time to receive the presence sheet and have the information that the training was completed.
    This is possible by using your Training system, booking system, or LMS’s API to listen to finished course events and trigger evaluation. In a BtoB context, we highly recommend you use email as a core channel to receive the feedback, or in-app feedback when doing e-learnings.
  • Craft Concise, Engaging Surveys: Design training surveys that are brief, branded, and yet captivating, limiting them to no more than 8 questions. Ensure each survey includes a Net Promoter Score (NPS) question to gauge overall satisfaction and an open-ended question to capture detailed feedback and insights.
  • Standardize Evaluation Surveys: Develop standardized evaluation surveys tailored to the mode of learning—whether it’s e-learning, in-person sessions, or virtual classes. This uniform approach facilitates comparative analysis and benchmarking across different training formats and training locations.
  • Move Beyond LMS Surveys: Traditional Learning Management System (LMS) surveys often fall short in flexibility and depth, making large-scale analysis cumbersome. This is especially true for large organizations. Opt for more advanced tools and platforms that offer greater versatility in survey design and data analysis, enabling more meaningful insights like Feedier.

#2. Leverage training data

Whether you are using an LMS system or a combination of training tools and booking tools for your training programs, your teams have a lot of structured business data attached to every training.

To have actionable intelligence regarding how to improve training, it’s fundamental to link/attach the training data to the learner feedback so you can analyze faster and identify low signals.

Here are examples of training data/attributes we recommend you attach to every feedback:

  • Course data
    • Course ID
    • Course Name
    • Course Type (e-learning, physical session, virtual class)
    • Course Subject
    • Course duration
  • Location site
    • Site name
    • Site country
    • Site group
  • Instructor data
    • Instructor ID
    • Instructor Name
    • Instructor’s company (if external)
  • Learner data (we don’t recommend attaching personal data)
    • Learner job
    • Learner company/subsidiary

#3. Enhance Visibility Across Operational Teams and Management

With the acquisition of real-time, reliable learner feedback integrated with your business data, the next step involves translating this information into actionable strategies:

  • Dashboards for Clarity and Consistency: Consolidate all key performance indicators (KPIs) within a unified dashboard to ensure that every team member operates from the same knowledge base. Clarify and simplify the presentation of KPIs, such as the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which may not be immediately understandable to all trainers. Design distinct dashboards tailored to the specific needs of operational teams at training sites and higher-level management to optimize relevance and utility.
  • Focused Reporting for Targeted Improvement: Refine your reporting strategy by generating specialized reports for courses that receive low NPS or satisfaction scores. Distribute these reports to the operational teams responsible for those courses, granting them access to both quantitative scores and qualitative feedback. This enables them to delve deeper into the data, identifying areas for enhancement.
  • Leverage AI for Efficient Text Analysis: Employ artificial intelligence to streamline the processing of open-ended responses. AI tools (like Feedier’s Platform) can quickly identify themes for improvement or synthesize insights from hundreds of verbatim comments, saving valuable time and uncovering actionable insights that might otherwise be overlooked. This approach allows teams to focus on implementing changes rather than sifting through data.

#4. Give a voice to the trainers too

In the second stage, learner experience and training impact is highly dependent on your trainers’ own experience. So, having a program that encapsulates trainer feedback is also a good idea that yields results in the long term.

Our recommendations are:

  • Measure trainer experience in real-time (not on their first session but after 3 to 6 sessions of a given course).
  • Give them access to their evaluation scores so they can lead the improvements.

About Feedier

Looking to take user feedback to the next level? Feedier’s Customer Intelligence Platform simplifies customer data mastery (from both non-structured feedback data and structured business data) and accelerates decision-making at the operational level, empowering our users to lead with impactful insights. With Feedier, they harness their customer data and take advantage of AI, and automated reports to illuminate the path forward, ensuring they’re not just competitive but ahead with confidence and clarity.

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